
As Christian teachers and parents, it is our duty to train the body as well as the mind in using our God given gifts to His glory. King of Grace offers team sports to teach the values of cooperation and discipline in a competitive, Christian environment. These are the athletic program goals: 

  • To enhance the talents God has blessed us with under the guidance of knowledgeable and disciplined Christian coaches.

  • To discover the benefits of Christian cooperation and competition with our peers.

  • To be successful in achieving the goals of the team and to have fun.

  • Athletic Programs

Girl's Volleyball (Gr. 5-8)
Soccer (Gr. 5-8)
Cross Country (Gr. 5-8)
Basketball (Gr. 5-8)
Cheerleading (Gr. 7-8)
Girl's Softball (Gr. 5-8)
Boy's Baseball (Gr. 5-8)
Track and Field (Gr. 5-8)
Disc Golf

Athletics Online Google Calendar
Athletics ICal Calendar for Ipad/Iphone


Every Fall our 7th and 8th graders at King of Grace Lutheran School have a chance to try out for a public speaking team which prepares for an annual competition called the Forensics Festival.  Students compete in five categories including: 

  • Informative Speech

  • Humorous Reading

  • Prose Interpretations

  • Poetry Interpretations

  • Storytelling


Piano, Vocal and Band are offered through a variety of qualified teachers at King of Grace. In addition to traditional practice sessions, all students participating will be involved in ensemble performances during our school programs, chapel services and periodically during our Sunday worship services.

Lutheran Pioneers

Lutheran Pioneers and Lutheran Girl Pioneers are Christ-centered programs available to boys and girls in grades 1-8. The Pioneer programs offer children opportunities for service, education, recreation, fellowship, evangelism and worship. Many activities throughout the year keep our Pioneers busy, including: campouts; bike & canoeing trips; nature hikes and study; orienteering; educational field trips; and practical training in various skills, such as cooking, money management, canoe safety, music and child care.

Academic Fair

Each year our Academic Fair is held in the King of Grace gymnasium. Students in grades 3-8 present their theme works in History and Art, or a Science experiment. Lower grades also participate on a voluntary basis.

Wolfridge Environmental Learning Center

Each year, students in grades 6-8 from King of Grace Lutheran School have the opportunity to attend Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota.

Located near Minnesota's North Shore, Wolf Ridge is a nationally respected and accredited K-12 school and residential learning center, providing memorable outdoor learning adventures. Activities and programs focus on natural and cultural history, outdoor skills, team-building, and personal growth.

To learn more about Wolf Ridge E.L.C., please visit Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center.

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