Pastors' Blog

Fatherhood in Kids' Movies

God uses the imagery of fatherhood to teach us to understand his relationship with us. Unfortunately, that image is regularly distorted in our entertainment. Check out this article, “Father Knows Best? How animated movies illustrate dads” for a brief discussion of fatherhood in the movies our kids watch.

The Top Tool of the 21st Century

You could argue that the top tool of the 21st century is the cell phone.

Two Thousand Year Old Influence

The standard distance between railroad rails in the United States is derived from the spacing of Roman war chariot wheels and influenced a design feature of the NASA space shuttle.

Forgiveness According to Netflix

Forgiveness is the only way to live, and this monster-hunter can describe it to you.

A World in Need

The dominant mark of the early Christian church was its surpassing care for the poor and the sick. Motherhood epitomizes that spirit of giving everything you can to help and provide for someone in need. Give a gift to the World Needs Fund in honor of Mother’s Day.

The Silent Sermon

"I believe I can be just as good a Christian outside the church as I can be inside it."

Excuses, excuses

The dictionary defines the word ‘excuse’ with “to make allowance for; overlook.” Lent is a season of special self-examination, of finding our excuses and confessing them.

Do It Anyway

“People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway (-Mother Theresa).

Baby Shark

Over the last four years, the Baby Shark song on YouTube has been watched over 7.8 billion times. The song takes out the teeth and the terror and turns deadly sharks into harmless nonsense.

Gifts Are Never Just Gifts

Gifts are never just gifts. Gift-givers always expect some kind of response. Grace is God’s gift to us through the Christ-child of Bethlehem. But how should we respond?
