Don't do "friendship evangelism," just do friendship

Last week I preached on John 13:31–35 about how Jesus glorified God through his obedient death and how Christians glorify God through their obedient love of one another “as Christ has loved us.”

Here is a testimonial from a woman named Susan about that second part, how she came to faith through relationships with Christian friends.

I was attracted to the way they loved one another and me, and was often amazed by their generosity and care.

Jesus said love is the number one identifying mark of Christians. Let’s find ways to be so publicly, obviously loving that a cultural accusation of intolerant hate could obviously never stick.

These days, Christians are often known more for what we’re against, than for any good we do…. I have seen so many people become willing to learn more about our faith because they witnessed Christians addressing poverty, systemic racism, and suffering. They saw that our faith actually addresses the pressing issues in our world today and might actually make a positive difference.
